Monday, November 07, 2016

#Nanojoumo Day 6

I am a day behind and that is ok.  This has been a busy time for me, but I am still keeping up with doing some kind of art daily.

Quirky Bird - Being Me
Sometimes I feel like this bird, quirky and not part of the norm.  That is ok because I am accepting who and what I am.  I am just being me.  it is a privilege to have art as a release and a way of expression.  I am just learning to appreciate this wonderful privilege.  Knowing that I do not have to be like anyone else, that I can keep learning every day how to use art to heal and express.  How blessed am I?

Also including a copy of my other art project today, putting up my Christmas Village

My Christmas Village.

1 comment:

Wendy Luane Barber said...

I love Quirky Bird too. I am also trying to be me. Like me, love me, what I do, what I create. And I love your Christmas Village. I'm trying to see if I have room to put a small tree. Have a good weekend cuz.