Friday, October 08, 2010

How do we receive God's Guidance?

The theme for today's thought is Guidance. Scripture reference Psalm 25:4

"Show me your way, O Lord, teach me your Path."

Thought: "Teach me O Lord what I am to learn, grant me the strength to do what you ask." Over thirty years ago a friend told me to say this short prayer and the Lord would show me what to do. I didn't think of it then as guidance and I was not very good at following the advice.

When things were going good, I just went along my merry way living and running full speed up and down the freeway of life. When trouble reared it's ugly head I would forget to call on the Lord for guidance. I worried myself into an ulcer; made many false starts with possible "solutions" and was pretty miserable.

Once I took the time to stop and breathe (sometimes voluntarily and sometimes through force), the simple words of guidance would come to me..."each me Lord what I am to learn, grant me the strength to do what you ask". Hmmm such a simple concept and yet so easy to forget or more truthfully ignore. You see I also am a bit of a "chicken". What if the message was something I did not want to hear, something I didn't what to do? Ignoring God's guidance didn't seem like a good idea, so it was better not to ask.

"Show me your way, O Lord, teach me your path." Simple concept, yes. Easy, not always. Have I learned to make this simple request more frequently ? Yes, I have. Do I still relapse? Yep. Do I keep on trying? You know it, isn't that what Spiritual growth is all about?


Margo Dill said...

I can totally relate to this post--I especially like what you said about, "What if we don't like the message?" I think that is a common fear!


Pilgrim said...

Thanks Margo

fsmum said...

Your spirituality comes shining through Glenda!

Lynn said...

I love the title of your blog. This thought is so powerful, and as you say at times so difficult.
